Comes with Controller and SD Card with thousand of Games for your Superbox "and/or" All other Android Boxes!

Set up your Superbox S1 S2 S3 & S4 with Classicboy Retro Gaming App. Set up your S5 Max with RetroArch. Classicboy does not work on the S5 Max and Pro due to it being Android 12, and also be aware that RetroArch is awesome for this gaming system for the S5 Max, but because of the amount of games, it takes a long time to load all of the ROMs. It's best to let it run overnight because there are that many games to download from the Micro SD Card, but once it finishes you will be so happy you got one.

Gen X Retro Card only or replacement for the S5 Pro & Max

$40 + $1.99 Shipping [if] outside Los Angeles

Game Controller & SD Card 

$60 + $4.99 Shipping [if] outside Los Angeles

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Our Price is $65 for online orders. Los Angeles residents can pick up theirs at our pick up center on Vermont & 61st (for now location). Fill out your information below and submit, along with the "Buy Now" Tab Below.  Mail orders allow 5 to 7 days for delivery.